Find the traditional Latin Mass and other Rites in the Greater Bay Area.

“I founded the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship because the Holy Eucharist is the source and the summit of our Catholic faith. Reverence and beauty in the liturgy are absolutely key to evangelizing the next generation of Catholics. During this year, Maggie Gallagher and the Benedict XVI Institute became a key partner for me in helping to free the Mass. Maggie is one of the most creative and effective Catholic leaders I have ever met. Benedict XVI is close to my heart because I know as the culture continues to deteriorate, we need creative strategies to make the authentic voice of Faith heard. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.”
- Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone

Ancient Prayers. Renewed Hearts. Experience the Miracle.

Experience the diversity and holiness of ancient Catholic liturgies, including the Traditional Latin mass, Byzantine Rite, Russian Catholic, Ukrainian Catholic, or High Sung English Mass. Subscribe for regular updates in the greater Bay area. If you know of a Latin Mass or another beautiful and reverent classic liturgy that we haven’t included, please let us know!  The Mass in any form is always a miracle: Jesus Christ offers his real Body and Blood to join us in Communion. Explore Ancient Catholic Liturgies in the Greater Bay Area to help experience the miracle.


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