
Support Our Work

Welcome to the benedict xVI donate page!

Thank you for supporting Archbishop Cordileone’s call to evangelize through sacred beauty. Your gift helps support our programs bringing more reverence to the liturgy and energizing a Catholic culture of the arts including:

  • Zoom events on sacred beauty.
  • Tutorials for clergy on the Latin Mass (which have already resulted in new Latin Masses being offered in San Francisco).
  • Frank La Rocca’s stunning works, the Mass of the Americas and coming in 2021, A Requiem Mass of the Americas.
  • New Works honoring St. Junipero Serra including digitally preserving the nine Mission Churches he founded and a new painting, St. Junipero Serra and the American saints.
  •, and more.

Be part of the Catholic renaissance. Become a patron of the arts. Your gift of $50 or more will help us evangelize through sacred beauty.

“I founded the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship because the Holy Eucharist is the source and the summit of our Catholic faith. Reverence and beauty in the liturgy are absolutely key to evangelizing the next generation of Catholics. During this year, Maggie Gallagher and the Benedict XVI Institute became a key partner for me in helping to free the Mass. Maggie is one of the most creative and effective Catholic leaders I have ever met. Benedict XVI is close to my heart because I know as the culture continues to deteriorate, we need creative strategies to make the authentic voice of Faith heard. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.”
- Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone

Donate Online

Be part of the Catholic renaissance. Become a patron of the arts. Your gift of $50 or more will help us evangelize through sacred beauty.

Cash Gift by Check

A cash gift by check is the simplest way to make a donation. Please send your check to the address listed below: 

“Benedict XVI Institute” 9921 Carmel Mountain Rd #396, San Diego, CA 92129

Please write the program you which to support in the memo. If you’d like to make a general donation, leave blank or note general. God bless you! Thank you!

Stock Donation

In making a gift of appreciated securities, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, investors can make sizable contributions to Benedict XVI Institute and simultaneously derive practical financial advantages. Investors who have experienced growth in their investments are in excellent position to donate appreciated securities and benefit from the tax write-off.

Please email [email protected] to arrange a stock donation and submit the notification form below.

Give Through Your Will, IRA or Other Planned Giving Tools

Whether your wish is an immediate tax deduction, saving on capital gains, memorializing a loved one, or leaving a legacy, Benedict XVI Institute has multiple opportunities to satisfy your estate planning or planned-giving needs, including gifts made through your will or estate. For more information on estate planning and planned giving, please contact Kevin Kacvinsky by email at [email protected].

Stock Donation Notification Form

You may use this form to notify Benedict XVI Institute about a stock donation you have initiated. This helps us to know who submitted the gift so we can thank you and send you the appropriate tax receipt.