How Does a Hymn Become a Classic?
Archbishop Cordileone’s Very Marian Advent Prayer Service Launches World Premiere of Two New Christmas Carols
Opening the door of beauty to God by energizing a Catholic culture of the arts.
Promoting St. Junipero Serra and the California missions: The story of America’s deep Catholic roots.
This twinned tribute to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (patroness of the United States) and Our Lady of Guadalupe (patroness of Mexico and all the Americas) comes to the city built by immigrants, inspired by the Statue of Liberty.
“Year for the Homeless,” launched by Archbishop Cordileone, which includes calling people to prayer, fasting and almsgiving plus commissioning a special requiem Mass.
January 15, 2022 – A twinned tribute to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (patroness of the United States) and Our Lady of Guadalupe (patroness of Mexico and all the Americas), Mass of the Americas, recorded by 10-time Grammy award-winning producer Blanton Alspaugh.
Archbishop Cordileone’s Very Marian Advent Prayer Service Launches World Premiere of Two New Christmas Carols
Sally Read, born in East Anglia in 1971 and now living near Rome, was a
2 Corinthians 4:8 I/ Fr. Chrysostom ChangA flowering of wire Binds the bare wrists
On the evening of September 28th, heading out from the conclusion Catholic Art Institute conference
How God led Atlanta playwright John Ruane to the typewriter…then did it again…and again…and again…and
Missa Pange Lingua is a musical work that leads the worshippers into the depth and beauty of the Mass itself. The processional Pange Lingua aids the faithful to serenely reflect on the true presence of God in the Eucharist, the Kyrie is heartfelt and penitential, the Gloria is resolute, the Sanctus combines passion and grace to precede the Consecration, and finally the Agnus Dei provides clarity and peace.