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Liturgy Revival

New Masses Commissioned by the Institute
By Composer-In Residence, Frank La Rocca

Mass of the Americas

Mass of the Americas honors Our Lady under her twin titles Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (patroness of the United States) and Our Lady of Guadalupe (Patroness of Mexico and all the Americas).

Frank La Rocca, Composer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanna, Patron

Requiem Mass for Forgotten

The Requiem Mass for the Forgotten remembers those who have died without anyone to remember them, the homeless, the displaced, etc. This Mass has been recently used to pray for Ukranian refugees.  

Frank La Rocca, Composer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanna, Patron

Missa Sancti Juniperi Serra

Missa Sancti Juniperi Serra is a new Mass in the extraordinary form honoring St. Jumipero Serra.

Frank La Rocca, Composer
Mr. Terance R. Caster, Patron

Misse Des Malades - In Honor of Our Lady of Lourdes

Messe Des Malades is a new Mass honoring Our Lady of Lourdes and premiered on the World Day of the Sick.

Frank La Rocca, Composer
Ms. Moira Richards Conzelman, Patroness

Mass for Eucharistic Renaissance

Premiering at St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, this Mass will launch the West Coast Eucharistic procession to the USCCB’s Eucharistic Revival. 

Frank La Rocca, Composer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanna, Patrons

“Musicians and composers, conductors and singers of choirs, liturgical animators, can make a major contribution to the renewal, especially quality, of sacred music and liturgical chant.” -Pope Francis

Father Samuel Weber

From the Ignatius Pew Missal to the Propers of the Mass and beyond, Gregorian chant composer and St. Patrick’s seminary professor Father Samuel Weber can help your choir or your parish chant the Mass.